Friday, June 13, 2014

Another ROPE!

Yup, I warned you in my last post that you might be seeing more ropes . . . I got so intrigued by those other lines (sailor talk for 'ropes'), that I went looking for more. I had imagined a rope sort of coiled on a piling. . .

This is a time when living on the water has its advantages. Of course, that is the case most of the time for me. I feel blessed to be able to look out on Broad Creek any time, any season and have a lovely view.

Well, I walked out on the dock, found some line and put it up on a piling to give me an idea what it might look like. (Yes, our water here really is green)

I still liked the idea, but knew I needed to tweak it a bit. For one thing, I wanted a heavier line - this line is for my husband's current boat, a little 18' sailboat. I wanted something sturdy. I liked the water and the piling in this photo. I could use them.

I began my sketch, trying different line configurations. Remembering the other painting and all the knots, I thought I would add some interest with a knot.

This photo isn't that great, but you get the idea. So I was ready to begin painting . . .until I really looked at what I had drawn. I liked all the coils and the knot, but when I tried to follow the line it either went nowhere or ran out. I could not actually follow it around and around.  Now I am laughing at myself and trying to figure out how to make it work! After some very confusing attempts, I finally made it work with lines on top of lines. Now - time to begin painting . . .

It was coming together at last. Lots more layers of color needed, but getting there. The last thing I added was the nail stuck in the piling to hold the line. My husband suggested a fancier way to hold the line, but I love the casual nail and the not so neat coil.

I really like the strength in this painting. The strong color in the piling and the lines contrasted with the softness in the water, shoreline and the sky. I think it may be time to sign it and let it go.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


For the past few weeks I have been in the watercolor class again. It is really nice when I can go several weeks in a row. I can begin to work on a project and get follow through advice from the class. My first week there was playful warm up exercises - trying to loosen us up. Then we worked on some flowers that were blooming at the time. That is always frustrating for me - I get lost in all the petals!

Last week I found out that this class will be showing at a gallery on the Annapolis waterfront later in the summer . . . so we are now working on paintings to go in the show. Annapolis waterfront - yeah, that means boats, marine 'stuff' and bay scenes. I couldn't get very excited about any of that until I looked through my picture file and found some pictures that I had taken when some tall-ship type boat had been in the St Michaels harbor a few years ago. She was tied up at the maritime museum and had welcomed locals aboard. I had taken lots of pictures that day and had never looked at them again.

I found a picture of lots of ropes . . .hmmm. Last October I challenged myself by painting Buoy #1. (See Blogs Oct 26 & 29, 2013) I remember thinking at the time that doing the ropes was interesting. Once I figured out that each rope is just a series of 's' shapes, it was great fun putting in the shading and some color here and there. So, why not try lots of ropes? I'm just multiplying the fun, right? (Remember, I actually wrote the word 'fun.')

I spent one whole class on my sketch which turned out to be way out of proportion. I took it home and used that sketch to practice painting the ropes. Then I redrew the whole thing.

Lots of ropes. huh?

In class, my teacher had suggested that it would be a great study in negative painting, so I began by putting in the background. The picture had all sorts of boat things in the background, but I simplified it to be just color.

Now that's kinda cool. Then . . .I started painting the ropes. I began on the right side of the painting (because I am left handed, I work right to left). It was not long before I realized that I had chosen something that was not what I bargained for.  Remember my saying that we had done an exercise to loosen us up? It was not this! What was I thinking? This was going to take me all summer . . .

I had gotten this far - I was not going to give up. Well, what I discovered, is that the more I painted, the more I was enjoying it. It really did become fun. Unlike painting flowers and getting lost in the petals, I was figuring out where the ropes went and putting in knots.

I could probably pick at it all day, but decided to stick it in a mat for now and just look at it for the next few days before I frame it for the show.

You are not going to believe this . . .I am now looking for other ways I can paint ropes - coiled on a piling, around a cleat, lying on a dock . . . more to come.