Monday, August 31, 2015

Art Show & Sale this weekend!

Labor Day weekend is coming up - that means it is time for the SMAL annual Art Show and Sale in St MIchaels, MD. I have been a member of the art league for a number of years and have attended the show, but this year I decided to be one of the exhibitors!  Hmmm, what do I hang?

Since I have been 'playing' with different things this summer, I am going to take a leap and put some of the experimental paintings in the show. I really have enjoyed the crinkled paper paintings, so they will go in. I also scanned some old favorites and have printed them on watercolor paper  - they are matted 8x10 and will be sold as unframed prints.

Now for my newest crinkle . . .when we were in Vermont this summer, I was intrigued with the blueberry bushes at our rental house. The berries were in different stages of 'ripeness' and the colors were wonderful. So, my latest crinkle painting is called 'Blueberries.'

'Blueberries'   framed 11x14 watercolor  $175
The show is on Saturday, September 5 from 10-5 and on Sunday, September 6 from 12:30-5:00 under the tent on the lawn of St Luke's United Methodist Church - right in the center of town. Hope you will stop buy. You will find many very talented artists there to greet you.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Vacation = Grandchildren = Creativity

We have just returned from a trip to Vermont where we visited with two of our grandchildren. Twelve year old Kieran and I spent lots of time with his Kindle Fire and my iPad.

After patiently explaining some of the games that he and his friends play, he showed me a picture that he 'painted' on his kindle. I asked if I could post it - he said 'yes.'

I was impressed with what he had done and showed him a drawing app on my iPad. I had not done too much with it  . . . but he figured it out and taught me a few things. 

He wanted to do a self portrait. First he took a picture of himself and used it as the first layer. He then used the paint brush on the drawing app and voila! There he is.

He really had fun with it and worked with his sister Maizie to capture her, too.

As they say, "A fun time was had by all!" It's wonderful to learn new things from a different generation!