Thursday, October 13, 2016

Common things we don't see...

A few weeks ago I was again in that 'in-between' place. I had finished a painting for a show and was stuck as to what to paint next. I went to class that morning and just felt flat. I still needed to paint a house for an upcoming exhibit titled "Painted Ladies," but was not inspired.

It was a beautiful day so I decided to take my camera and walk around the neighborhood - looking to be inspired. What I discovered was that the things that caught my eye most were not the lovely Victorian houses, but the 'invisible' things: a trash can overturned, old duck decoys hanging from a tree branch, a rusty old gate and a fire hydrant! Not exactly what I had planned, but why not give it a go?

I really like the shapes on the fire hydrant...I began drawing. I sketched first with pencil and then got out my matchstick and ink and completed the ink sketch.

A bit of watercolor wash on the hydrant and a dark background and this really pops!

I love it that common (invisible) things can be art!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

"Just Desserts"

The St Michaels Art League will be presenting a new exhibit at the library in St Michaels during the month of October. The theme of this new show is "Just Desserts."

Many of my artist friends just groaned when they heard the theme...not me...I have been painting ice cream cones! I had the cone thing going and was so ready for my 'demo' for the Labor Day Show (which was postponed). I had thought that I would use the 8 dip cone (see post from 8/18/16) for Labor Day and then put it in the library show.

Well, that won't work now. The library exhibit begins next Monday and the postponed show has been rescheduled for the following weekend. So, I just painted a giant new cone. This one is matted and framed 16x20. That's a really big lick!

We are allowed to enter two paintings in this exhibit so I am also putting in another one. This is one that I had been thinking of painting for some time. It's a pastel of granddaughter Winnie discovering cake on her first birthday. What a happy child! 

If you are in St Michaels, drop by the library during October...and look for the

Columbus Day Art Show and Sale under the tent at St Luke's Church on
 Saturday, Oct. 8 from 10-5 and Sunday Oct 9 from 12:30-5.