Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Why Knot?

Every now and then I have to revisit ropes. Since I was shown the secret to painting ropes, it seems to be my 'fall back' thing to paint and helps me get out of 'slug mode.'

I looked at various rope pictures and came upon a photograph that my husband had taken years ago.  With his permission (I never paint someone else's photo without asking), I decided to try to paint it.

It's a bowline knot  - fun to tie. I find myself transported back to camp where I learned to tie it with a story. You take the rope and make a lake. (Just twist a loop) Then take the end of the rope which becomes a snake. The snakes comes out of the lake, goes around the tree and back into the lake. Then you pull on the head and the tail. Voila - bowline knot!

Enough of that... I began to sketch with pencil. The end of the line (rope) was very frayed.
Then I added some light watercolor washes leaving the frayed part until later.

Next step - add the frayed end, a little more definition on the line and some color in the background.

Then I took it to class for critique... Well...we began a discussion about where the light was coming from. The line shows the light coming from the right side. Wouldn't it be better coming from the top left? Then the frayed end would have more impact. They also thought the fray should be more prominent.

I took it home and washed some of it out, added more fray and defined the end a little more. Changing the light source was a little trickier. I switched to some of my pastels. So now the light side of the line is on the left. It's more yellow on the top left. Back to class the following week...

The suggestion then was darken the bottom right. The contrast of the opposite corners would help.

I did it and was really sorry...something happened that threw it all off for me. Having spent so much time with this knot, was there a way to salvage this?

Ah, yes...crop! I could get rid of some of that boring dark corner...   It's now an 11x14 instead of a 16x20.

Why Knot?
"Why Knot?"  11x14 watercolor & pastel    $100

Saturday, July 8, 2017

There's something about hollyhocks...

This summer I am trying to get organized for several art shows coming up in the fall. There are two shows in October that have similar themes - "Around Town' is the stated theme of the art league's show. The other show suggestion was that 'local art sells.'

So, the other day I was driving around St Michaels and looking to be inspired. I stopped on North Street at a 4 way stop sign. There, next to a telephone pole, were hollyhocks!

I don't know about you, but there's something about hollyhocks that takes me back in time. I can't remember specifically, but my mother loved to garden - she must have grown them 'once upon a time.' It's really strange, when I see them growing, I am momentarily transported to a childhood 'almost' memory.

Of course, I was immediately hooked! I took a few pictures - the flowers looked a little scraggly. But, the wonderful thing about painting is that I can paint from a photo and change it to be what I need it to be.

In addition to finding inspiration I am also trying to paint more loosely this summer. Here is an opportunity to not put everything in this painting.

I began with a simple pencil sketch and then got out my pen. Just a few lines to give the impression of flowers, leaves and stems...and then some watercolor washes. I left out a telephone pole, a green cement block building and a bit of roadside trash.

I like this look. I put it across the room for awhile to take a look. Other than the flowers floating in space...I like it's simplicity.

I added some suggestion of leaves, and grasses. Now it's grounded.

I may have to title it "Hollyhocks on North Street" to give it a local setting, but for now it's "Hollyhocks - a memory"

"Hollyhocks - a memory"   11x14 watercolor & ink  $150