This year is the strangest holiday time that I can remember. 'Confined' by this pandemic, we have had to creatively adapt to the limitations imposed on our traditional holiday routines.
Yes, we did put up our Christmas tree...that helped to set some atmosphere. But, we scaled down decorations this year: some greens on the fireplace mantle, a small arrangement on the dining room table, a bit of holly on one door and the creche that I have had for over 50 years.
For me, there was no walking around a mall listening to Christmas music, no attending get togethers with friends, no Holiday parties - no reason to get dressed up. I did put on tacky Christmas earrings for a couple of zoom calls...
So, the time usually spent in 'getting ready' for Christmas has been a slower pace. I put on Christmas music and wrote cards. I put on Christmas music and finished up some painting projects (which I can't post yet - they are presents). I put on Christmas music and did laundry. I put on Christmas music and cleaned the house...has it really come to that???
It is a different season, but amazing in all the ways we are finding to be with one another. We have met with our House Church outside and in a friend's heated garage (with open window ventilation). We turned our sunroom into our CCR - COVID Conversation Room. We can heat it, have cross ventilation and 'socially distance' for a few people... and feel fairly safe.
Last night we 'attended' a live stream concert put on by a grandson and his wife - very talented musicians. We are hoping (weather permitting) to attend a 30 minute outside church service on Christmas Eve - gathered about fire pits. We expect to zoom with family on Christmas Day.
OK, what does all this have to do with my art blog? It's all about saying where I am in my head and my heart during this time...and getting to the image on our Christmas card this year.
For the past few years I have played with Christmas puns. I had one all ready to go (I had worked on it last summer...thinking/hoping that we would have COVID behind us by now)
My husband and I went through several different ideas while watching the unimaginable rising death toll from this pandemic. The planned card certainly did not fit this holiday season. It's a sobering time.
We finally settled on a simple candle...a symbol of light.