I took a course in composition this past fall. Each session we were presented with various still life arrangements. We were to draw them using graphite or charcoal. Our instructor invited us to take photos of the arrangements from different angles and do several drawings.
I often paint from photographs and find it challenging to NOT paint everything that I see. The beauty of a painting is that I can choose what I want on my paper, but it is tempting to just paint it all.
So, in class I was presented with arrangements that were filled with bits of things. This photo doesn't even show it all. There was a bird's nest and more 'stuff' over on the right. I little overwhelming...
I knew I didn't want to mess with the glass vase or get into all the nest twigs. I also didn't need to do the little stones. I just picked a couple of things. I love color, so that is what stood out for me.
Here is the sketch...done in about 10-15 minutes (I think).
I took it home and decided to add color to it. It was done on drawing paper, but I wanted to just try watercolor on it to see if I could make it a little cheerier.
I painted the pumpkin, twig and berries and then just spattered some of the paint color that I had used.
Some of the charcoal smeared a little with the watercolor, but I think it has a nice overall look. I left out a lot of the original arrangement. Simplify...