Another month has flown by....somehow, even in 'lockdown', time continues!
So, here I am again posting more quick sketches and trying to make up stories about each page.
As you may recall, each month has begun with two words. In August, it was Train or Plane -
We had wonderful old Lionel trains growing up. My brothers and I and friends spent hours being engineers.
When my father retired from his business he wanted to learn to fly. He got his pilot's license and bought a Piper Tri pacer. I couldn't help putting it's number on the plane N9833D. I loved listening to him calling the airport towers "N9833Delta"
Breakfast and Suitcase - Well. if you are going to take a trip you should definitely have a good breakfast before you go. However, we live far from the airport and take early flights, so we usually grab something to eat after we get through the security checkpoint.
Kilt and Castle - This is an easy one.. you could certainly wear your kilt when visiting the Scottish castle.

Anchor and Octopus - Another easy page for relationships... found in the ocean!
Coast and Harbor - Now I am thinking this is too easy. Am I being lulled into smugness? Coast and Harbor are naturals!

Lighthouse and Planet - Well, lighthouse should have gone with coast and harbor... I guess I should have looked ahead...I already sketched a lighthouse! This lighthouse belongs to the Chesapeake Bay. I love it's different look. Planet seems kind of random. Maybe UFOs would be looking for directions and see the lighthouse...that's a stretch!
Stars and Alien - Stars seemed too simple... I had this little guy seeing stars. And then here comes the alien. That would relate to the UFO story on the page before.
Spaceship and Robot - Seems like something got started with that planet back there a few days ago. Now it's a spaceship and robot... of course, they could go together...and then there is that alien, too!
Sleep and Memory - Sleep may imply dreams (that would explain all the weird space stuff). Some people remember their dreams. Me, not so much. In fact, I use post it notes to remember a lot of stuff!

Stretch and Cherry - Now, there's a challenge.... these words 'stretch' my imagination to come up with a way to connect them. Maybe after your workout you go to the health bar and order a cherry smoothie!
Abandoned and Thinking - I loved drawing the old wooden door. It reminded me of walks in the woods and discovering abandoned buildings - always interesting and great places to sketch. When I sketched 'thinking' the thinking bubble remained empty... sometimes my thoughts abandon me!

Poodle and Panda - Two cuddly animals that begin with a 'P'. I think they both look cute, but understand that poodles are not easy pets (our neighbor had one that ran away a lot and never listened) and pandas just look cute...they are not pets!
Pig and Fly - Obvious, they are both three letter words! But really... If the pig were rolling around in the mud and yuck, it might be covered with flies. And then there is also that wonderful saying..."...when pigs fly!"

Late and Stink - On my, we are always worried we are going to be late putting out the garbage! If we miss trash pick-up, that would surely stink!
Messy and Gorilla - Hmmm, my desk is already messy...BUT, if I let a gorilla in that room it would be even worse! I guess a gorilla could make a mess anywhere. It was fun to paint!

Whale and Polar Bear - I loved sketching both of these guys... I looked at a lot of whale and bear pictures before I sketched. I have always been fascinated by whales breaching - 'jumping' out of the water. Amazing that a creature that big can do that! I used to take my children to the Baltimore zoo. The polar bear there was always a favorite.
There is sadness as I look at both of these magnificent animals. What climate change is doing to their habitats - or do I say, what WE are doing to their habitats...
That's the end of another month! Stay tuned, we are a good way into September!
Stay masked, stay safe!