Saturday, October 10, 2020

More September sketches...

 Taking some time this morning to finish up posting the September sketches. Beginning where I left off - September 17th.

Silhouette and Pot Plant - This silhouette is a sketch of one of my grandmother's sisters. It was given to me by her daughter who told me how it was done. Apparently, ladies and gentlemen of the time would sit before an artist who would cut out their likeness from a piece of black paper! It was framed in an oval frame. When I first saw Pot Plant - pot is what I thought of...but I am sure it could be any plant in a pot - I would call that a potted plant.  As to how these two images might be related...I can't imagine Great Aunt Mary smoking pot...but she probably had house plants

Odd and Empty -
I took the easy way out with Odd... odd-numbered balloons. I had fun with Empty. I tried to take pictures of my hands holding something and emptying it. Not easy to hold something and take a picture at the same time! Throughout all this sketching, I have been pushing myself to learn more about drawing hands.  Comment about these two - it does seem odd to pour out a gallon paint!

Skeleton and Crocodile - I had done a skeleton for something else so it wasn't too exciting. The crocodile sent me to google to find out the difference between gators and crocs. (I knew all that once...) As I now look a the sketches, I see I unconsciously faced the croc away from the skeleton... I must have already been planning how they go together...or not!

Ancient and Rhinoceros
 - I love ancient trees. Their twisted limbs are amazing. I always imagine that each tree has so much history to share - stories to tell. The rhinoceros always seems like its old...walking in a plundering way. It probably dates back quite a ways...would it have stories, too?

Thirsty and Blob -
I tried to think of all the things that I like to drink so I won't be thirsty. Blob really could be anything, but I imagined that someone knocked over a full glass of red wine on a white tablecloth - the dinner party nightmare! It wasn't me - I don't drink red...

Similar and Zigzag - I did a lot of thinking about similar. If I look in the mirror, my image is similar, but reversed... Tiny sketches of faces are not my thing, but I was challenging myself with this one. Zigzag could have just been a back and forth line, but I wanted to play with color a little. I have no idea how these two go together!

This is the last page of the month... one of my favorites!
Yoyo and Quack - Yes, working on hands again. The perspective on the yoyo is a little off, but once the ink is there, I'm stuck with it. Quack takes me back to many very giggly times. I can't remember just when Pringles came on the market, but my children and I (and more recently some 'grown-ups) had such fun making duck faces with the Pringles! QUACK!  Both these sketches bring back memories of play...or if you went public with the duck face, someone might call you a 'yoyo.'

I'm well into October...plodding along daily...

Saturday, October 3, 2020

September sketches - half of them today

 And, another month has passed! I feel like I am a little more organized right least I have all the September sketches in one place... but, there are quite a few so I am beginning today with the first half of the month.

As in past months, I am entertaining myself with trying to figure out how the two sketches on each page can possibly be related. It really is quite random - I don't pick the word prompts and yet, there they are appearing together.

Actually, I learned something on September 1st. Each month begins with two words - an 'either-or.'

Less or Fewer: I confess, I looked it up. Less has to do with a quantity that is not easily measured. I sketched a glass of wine and a bottle of wine. The glass has less wine in it. Fewer has to do with things you can count. I did several pots of flowers with lots of flowers in each pot (you can easily count them) and then I did two pots (fewer) with fewer flowers.

Hummingbird: they come around all summer to feed at our feeder...but I guess they could feed on the flowers in the pots. It's now September and they have gone for the winter. We will be seeing them less.

Squirrel and Eagle: There are squirrels everywhere around our house and in the garden. I think the eagle is keeping an eye on them and maybe even assist in population control...

Spade and Torn: I sketched two spades - one from a deck of cards and one to use in the garden. Torn could be the shirt worn by the hard-working gardener!

Dragonfly and Ladybird: I had fun drawing the dragonfly. I love those fragile-looking wings. I had to look up Ladybird. I had no idea that it was the same thing as a Ladybug! (all I could think of was Lady Byrd Johnson who planted wildflowers all around the highways! - I am aging myself) So, I am thinking that the dragonfly and ladybird can both be seen in the garden with the spade and the gardener with the torn shirt. How nice that these two opposing pages go together so well.

Dandelion and Kudu: Thank goodness that this dandelion is not in my garden and spreading its seeds! As for this Kudu ...I had no idea what that was. He is an interesting looking animal with amazing curling antlers and white stripes on his back. I have no idea how these two things go together...

Books and Camera: I love sketching books...and reading books. I also enjoy reading on my tablet, but there is something about holding a real book. My husband is a photographer and has MANY cameras. The one I like the most is the large format camera made of cherry with brass fittings. He says it's difficult to use - it's heavy and there are a lot of things to remember, but it takes lovely photographs and is a beautiful piece of woodwork. Old fashioned books and cameras easily go together - and bring lots of pleasure.

On the Shelf and In the Cupboard: Both of these were fun to draw. I had to decide just what I wanted to put On the Shelf ...look in my closet or make it up - you guess. In the Cupboard presented the same dilemma... you decide where these things came from. These two ideas do go together ...storing things.

Sherlock Holmes and Squeak: The first things that came to mind for Sherlock Holmes were, of course, his hat and his pipe. And then, there's Squeak... I thought of a pig, a squeaky door, a stair tread... then I remembered the Tin Man who needed an oil can! I would sketch an oil can to fix the squeak! I am sure Sherlock would have solved the way these things go together...

This gets me halfway through the month and enough for now... thank you if you persevered and read this far!

I'll post the rest of September next week... one of my favorites is at the end of the month...