It's December 1st ... Let me see how many sketches from November I can post before this month turns into January...
The either/or first day of the month is always challenging. In November it was War or Peace. That phrase always makes me think of 'beating swords into plowshares', but that seemed a little complicated in this small space. I just took away the bullets and substituted flowers.
Candle and Smoke - I think I probably had war and peace on my mind as well as the protests that are taking place in our country around Black Lives Matter and election issues.
Candle becomes a vigil candle.
Smoke could relate to the candle, but I am making myself learn about hands so a cigarette works here.

Fire engine and Lunch - I've always thought the hook and ladder fire engines were cool. It's noon, lunch time. Lunch bag, sandwich, fruit and drink - maybe the fireman packed his lunch today.
Goldfish and Flamingo - I'm not sure why...but my first thought about goldfish was the little crackers, not the swimmer. Flamingo makes me think of one of my granddaughters who was really into those amazing birds. I wonder if flamingos eat goldfish?
Shadow and Colossal - Here is another chance to draw hands, so shadow becomes shadow puppet. I thought a while about colossal and finally settled on the Colosseum. I imagine that are some amazing shadows in that old structure - all those archways!
Hero and Remember - The
heroes of today are certainly the front line, first responders: doctors, nurses, firemen(EMT) and the police.
Remember - That seemed an odd thing to draw until I
remembered how people used to draw a string around a finger to remind them of something. Of course, you had to remember why you tied the string! These two could easily go together as we are thankful and remember the helpers.
Kaleidoscope and Camouflague - Didn't we all love kaleidoscopes as kids? The shapes and colors were fun. I did not want to draw camouflague clothing - too 'warlike' - but I am always fascinated at the way animals are camouflaged in nature. The leaf bug is always hard to see. I guess these could go together as almost opposites - kaleidoscope colors are bold and 'out there'...camouflage, not so.
Reflective and Zebra Crossing - I wanted to think of reflective and going inward and thinking - voila, the Thinker! When I saw the word prompt zebra crossing, I immediately thought of a road sign, like deer crossing. When i looked it up, I found out that the stripes painted at street crossings are called zebra! Who knew? Hmmm, it takes some reflective thinking to figure all this out!
Wheels and Steam Train - WOW, there are so many kinds of
wheels! Water wheel, bike wheel, tractor wheel, wooden wheel, caster.... Those old
steam engines are always fun to see. I imagine they were terrible pollutants, but had such character. Certainly, the steam engine had interesting wheels.
Umbrella and Dancing - It's been raining a lot here, but I was going for a beach umbrella and sunshine (couldn't resist adding a small umbrella in a drink next to the chair). The dancer was fun to draw...I can't imagine my body in that position...ever! Putting these two thing together? Remember Gene Kelly in "Singing in the rain?" He danced with his umbrella!
Pouring and Leak - Whoever was pouring from this bottle, missed his mark! It was interesting to make splashing liquid. We have recently had some plumbing issues in our kitchen...leak is something I know about. Hmmm, with all the rain we have had, I should have done pouring rain and leaking roof!
Scottie dog and Tail - Thinking back, I suddenly remembered the scottie dog figures that were on magnets that we had as kids. There was a black one and a white one. We had them chase each other around. (a friend told me that those weren't scotties - but that is my memory). We have Eeyores all over our house. He is known for losing his tail. Two childhood, treasured toys.
Giant and Sink - There are a lot of gigantic things to draw, but I wanted to show big and little so here is the Jolly Green Giant with two little people. Sink probably meant the kitchen sink, but I've got a boat sinking. If the Jolly green giant got on the boat...well...
Think and Several - I had already drawn the Thinker, so I changed this word prompt to 'What was I
thinking?' The next word prompt was the day after Thanksgiving .. after a meal of many traditional foods, I needed to consider
several healthy snacks. Here are several containers of things that are good to eat. How do these go together? Well, I guess...what was I thinking about all those Thanksgiving pies!
Rabbit and Ring - Cute little
rabbit - not so cute when he eats my garden. I was tempted to just draw a circle or a diamond
ring...but, I saw another chance to draw a hand - ringing a door bell. After doing this I looked again critically and saw that the hand and bell were huge and the bricks very small. I was emphasizing the ring, I guess. How do they go together other than both words begin with 'R'? Maybe the neighbor is ringing the bell because the next door rabbit ate his garden.
Cupid - the end of the month. It seems to me that Cupid should have been in February, but here he is! He is also on the page with December 1st so we'll have to wait until the end of the year to see what he might relate to. He looks a little chubby. Too much Thanksgiving dinner...soon time for Christmas cookies!