When I began this blog in 2011, my goal was to post at least twice a week. Some years I have accomplished that - this year, not even close. It's been a rough year - my head, heart and art have been in a different place. (and I did get a book published!)
With all the distractions from normalcy, I did paint a card for this year.
Here's a little history. When my first husband died almost 50 years ago, I looked for an appropriate card to send at Christmas. (That was long before I had gotten into art. My focus was raising two small children!) I finally found a card that spoke to me and got up the courage to mail it out.
The image on the card was of an old tree stump that had been cut off and new growth was happening.
In the past several years, I have drawn and redrawn that card and shared it with friends - as a symbol of new life. Here are a few...