Saturday, July 29, 2023

It's Saturday. It's looks beautiful outside...there is a lovely 'sailing' breeze...but the heat index is over 100 degrees again. Hoping for some 'summer storms' to roll in - which may or may not cool those of us who live around the Chesapeake Bay.

It's a good day to write about a few more pages from my journal before another month ends.

This first image is from a month or so ago. There was a man in the grocery store who looked exactly like George (from the back). When I came home, I looked through my picture file and found a picture of him wearing the same clothes!

A few days after my grocery store 'sighting', I had another encounter. I had a delightful time singing with what I found out was a Carolina Wren. 

Grief to Grateful - I'm working on this. I was looking through George's black and white photographs again and found another favorite. The bedforms at Henlopen Beach appear and then water rushes through them to transform them again and again.

There is something about touches the heart. Every now and then Alexa picks a playlist that includes music filled with memories...

Again, there is something about music... I needed to include another 'our song.' This takes me back to Emory University where I met my first husband. So long ago, but the music brings the memories and emotional connections directly into the present day.

Another of George's photographs. He called it "Significant Other." He was such a stickler about 'highlights in the shadows'...talked a lot about 'black blacks' and 'white whites' when he was doing his darkroom work.  I love the phrase about the highlights. I find it hopeful...

I rediscovered the quote at the top of this page, but didn't realize I had used it before. It is interesting that after several months the same words can take on different meanings. I think I am trusting myself more and am honored when I can help others find their way. 

Another black and white photograph... we got so excited when we first saw the light reflected in this way. That was years ago. I am ever more thankful that we had a year together after receiving George's terminal diagnosis. We were able to shed light onto/into some dark places.

Year 2 is hard. And this brings me back to working from Grief to Grateful. Creating new 'firsts' and occasionally being pulled back and forth. It's not as hard giving up my old car as I thought it would be. It is filled with memories of many medical appointments - times together. The new car is a fresh start - and a healthy one... grateful.

Sunrise at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. We got there before sunrise on a chilly morning. George had his camera ready... the sun peeked above the horizon and the camera's lens fogged! (Like going outside in the summer when your glasses fog up - air conditioned air to humidity.) 
All photographs bring back stories! 
Laura Oliver is a writer who now writes an essay each week in the Talbot Spy  - the slot that George used to fill. I am using more of her quotes. I emailed her about this one. A portion of her reply is the quote 'in the water.' 

I know I am sliding into year two with hope and a look to the future. I find that I am not needing to use this journal as much as I had been. We'll see...

Thanks for spending your time reading!