Wednesday, June 5, 2024


It's graduation time again. My youngest grandchild will graduate from high school in two days. Time really does fly...

Many commencement ceremonies have been moved off campus or interrupted this year. I find that sad, particularly because this graduating class has already been disrupted. They 'lost' their freshman year to COVID - no in-person classes or opportunities to gather with new friends on a new campus. They don't/didn't need to lose this ceremony that they have worked so hard to get to!

I was watching/listening to a few commencement speakers during the upheaval this past month. Some were 'run-of-the-mill', but one caught my attention. I do not remember who it was or what university students he was speaking to, but his address was about the need for kindness. One phrase in particular has remained with me. Apparently, it was something he had heard or read. Perhaps I have heard it before but, like a lot of things, we hear when we are ready to hear - it may even take on a new meaning according to circumstances. 

"Someday someone will hug you so tightly that all the broken pieces will fit back together."

It's now a part of my journal - I changed one word to make it more personal. Being kind to ourselves and to each other can change the world!