Thursday, May 5, 2011

Filling the bucket

Yesterday was my last pastel class for this spring.  It has been such fun - hate to see it end.

I now have to do some framing and decide which pastel to enter in the Members Show at the Academy Art Museum.  'Filling the bucket' was what I did yesterday.  My classmates and instructor seemed to like it because it was universal - "We've all seen this scene at one time or another and it's going to be beach weather soon."  I'm not so sure - not even sure it's finished...  but I'm posting it anyway.

Any comments?

Wonderful follow up to 'After the bath'...

I was talking to my daughter this morning.  She showed the "After the bath" painting to her 4 year old.  Apparently she gasped, put her hand on her heart and whispered, "That's baby Jesus!"  Her mother answered, "No, that's baby Leighton (her 9 year old sister)."  Another gasp followed by, "Is Leighton baby Jesus?"

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