Every summer when we go to Vermont to visit my son (organic farmer) and his family we look forward to eating all their delicious organic veggies. We usually arrive on a Saturday and go straight to the Montpelier Farmers' Market - immediately heading to the High Ledge Farm stand.
After hugs all round, I enjoy looking at all the produce. It's displayed in baskets with fun signs - the rattlesnake beans' sign says something like "My mother doesn't like the name of these beans, but they are delicious and my favorite." The tomatoes have a warning label that reads, "Consumption of these tomatoes can lead to feelings of euphoria and lightheadedness..."; the German butterball potatoes say, "This butterball ain't no turkey, Bub!" and the zucchini says, "Good enough to leave your car unlocked."
Well, the signs are fun...and the vegetables are beautiful. I have photographed them several times thinking they would be fun to paint. I am particularly fond of the delicata squash - they are indeed as tasty as they are lovely to look at. All shades of yellow/orange with stripes of greens and oranges.
My painting somehow just doesn't do them justice, but it was fun to try.
I'd love to go to that farmer's market. I'm not familiar with most of those veggies. Great post.