Well, it's been awhile since I have blogged - been busy painting though. Last Saturday the St Michaels Art League hosted "Paint the Town." We invite artists from all over to come to town and paint. We have a "Paint Off' on Saturday morning. Artists paint from 8:00-12:30 and then bring their paintings back to us for the show.
Since I am on the committee, I work the registration table and get to meet all the artists as they come in. It limits the time I have to paint - but that's really OK, because I am not a Plein Air (paint outside on site) painter. I did feel that I 'should' do something... so I found a spot near the registration table and painted away. There were some great shadows on the brick steps... and a pot of flowers welcoming visitors to the church where we were having our event. Not too happy with the final product, but am glad I participated. Actually, anything looks better from across the room... and with a frame on it!
There are some people who are not able to paint on Saturday so we have said they can paint anytime the week before the event and can then put their painting in the exhibit that we have at the library in November. That works better for me. Earlier in the week I had walked around town looking for a place to paint. Muskrat Park is always a great spot. The light and shadows offer wonderful contrasts and I do have something about lampposts... For those who know Muskrat Park, I even put the canon in...
I find painting outside very challenging...
it's definitely challenging, but on a beautiful day and that was one gorgeous day, it's all fun!