Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Waiting for Fish #2

Last summer when we visited family in Vermont, we again stayed at a camp on Nelson Pond.  It is a lovely spot, right on the lake/pond.  The water is clear and beckons me each day to swim.

One afternoon when the grandchildren came over to be with us, nine year old Kieran decided he wanted to fish. He had found a rod and reel and was anxious to catch something.  We had no bait, but did have some hot dog we went the 'bread ball' route.  I made the smushed up balls and put them on the hook.  You could see the fish swimming around, finding the bait and nudging the hook.  There was an occasional nibble, but no real bites.  The bread balls would get soggy and fall off - we just fed the fish.

Kieran finally got tired of re-baiting the hook and just let it dangle in the water.  After all, it is fun to toss out the hook and reel it in. Suddenly I heard a shout, "I've got a fish!" And sure enough, there was a little fish dangling from his empty hook!  He was so excited - it turned out that was the first fish he had ever caught - VERY special.

Of course, he wanted to catch some more... I had taken several pictures of his first catch and then continued to take snapshots waiting for fish #2 - which did not happen that day.  But, I did love doing this pastel of him from one of those he waited and waited and waited. That is, after all, what fishing is all about - waiting with the knowledge that the fish are there and that just maybe...

1 comment:

  1. Fishing is such a great life/hope/expectation/dream/fruition metaphor. You paint a pretty picture.
