For the past two years I have been involved with a small group at my church - the Vision Team. We were asked by the Chapter (the governing body) to develop a new vision for our parish.
Our team has read, marked, learned and inwardly digested a lot of material. We have interviewed parishioners about their experiences, hopes and dreams for our parish.
This started with the idea that we were in a 'financial crisis' (a place where MANY churches seem to be today) and we have concluded that we are in a 'spiritual crisis.' Many people have complained of not being nourished by the traditional church on Sunday morning.
We believe that small groups offer a partial solution and have looked/are looking at different ways of bringing people together to experience God - to share our beliefs, voice our concerns and listen to the ways that God has touched our lives.
For the past couple of months we have offered "House Church Live" - a gathering in a parishioner's home to share in a lay led Eucharist. It is an opportunity to participate in the service through an exchange of ideas about the biblical message, passing the bread and wine to one another, and singing and praying together. At the end of the service there are refreshments and an opportunity to talk about the experience.
So, why does this appear on my art blog, you ask. Well, with the help of our team we have developed a logo to go with this new program. It is our plan that this will be 'out there' - inviting others to join us as we experiment with this new (actually it is a very old) form of worship. But, that story is for another time.
ALL ARE WELCOME! Our next service is Sunday afternoon, June 23 at 4:00pm. Please be in touch with me and I'll give you directions!
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