Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Another page in the book

My painting group's project of painting in the accordion books that we pass around (see blog post Group Project, March 12) seems to have come to a halt. Since we haven't been with each other for several weeks, it's on hold for now.

However, in looking around for things to paint, I decided to tackle another page in the book. I know we are all feeling the loss of touching right now. So that was my theme.

I took 'zillions' of pictures of my hands and tried to put them together to make this happen...

Here's a first sketch:

I tried some watercolor wash on the sketch paper...

Then did it in the book...that's always a little scary. Trying not to ruin someone else's book! 

Here's the final version. I changed the word placement a little.

Someday, we will really be able to reach out and touch someone once again. Hope everyone is safe and observing the CDC guidelines!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Hoppy Easter

In this difficult time of "Stay at Home" I think we are all getting creative in new ways. I don't normally blog this frequently, but after all, these are not normal times.

I am NOT a kitchen person, but I keep seeing stories of people spending more time in that room...

So, as we approach Easter, I began thinking about making our annual bunny cake. This has been a tradition in our family for many years...there have been lots of cakes! My children have also adopted the tradition and we have sent each other pictures of our creations.

Here are a couple from prior years...

 The box mix actually makes enough for two!

We have been sheltering in place for a few weeks now and do not need to eat cake... what should I do? I can't not make a bunny...but need to feed our souls!

Yesterday as I was forming a meat loaf... yes! Why not? I mixed up the ground beef and other ingredients and molded it into a bunny shape. Then I took the pink styrofoam meat tray (from the ground beef) and cut out some ears.  I added eyes and nose...Voila!

(please excuse background - hope you can get the idea)

These photos are before cooking - yes, I took the ears and M&Ms away before I put him in the oven.  Unfortunately, I do not have an 'after' photo. Just know that he was delicious!

Happy Easter, everyone!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

April - Sketch a day

Several years ago I discovered Marion Boddy-Evans, an artist who posts from Scotland. A few weeks ago she included 'Monthly Word Prompts' in her blog. She said, "I hope my free printable word prompt charts from a couple of years ago ... might be an enjoyable distraction amidst all the uncertainty and social distancing." She offered blank calendars from 2018. As you can see, on each day there is a word or two to prompt a drawing. 

I printed out the April calendar, but I thought the space was a little confining - so I got out one of my small sketchbooks.

Here is the first week of April:

I am hoping that I can discipline myself to keep up with this for a month or two. It is an uncertain time. I think this structure will help with some of this virus anxiety! 

You can find out more about Marion Boddy-Evans here. https://marion.scot/ 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Within/without 6 feet

This past week our Tuesday group assigned ourselves the task of sketching/painting the 'stuff' we see around us. Much of it is ordinary and overlooked. Subject matter for artwork, really?

I had started some sketches the last time we met as a group. I looked around the paint studio where we usually gather. There were rolls of paper towels, a coffee mug and two egg cartons (one of our painters has chickens and brings us eggs!)

Looking around my house, I found a lot of stuff...
Here's a split leaf philodendron which I have had for 30 years... it gets overlooked a lot - probably because it's been part of the scenery for so long.

Then there is the toothbrush holder and a fun mug that holds a lot of pens and pencils.

I've always loved this little frog that keeps the door from slamming shut.

Oh, and then there are tools! I was a woodworker before I discovered painting. Here's my drill press. The perspective is not quite right, but it was a fun challenge to draw.

It was a fun project  - and I will probably continue to do some more looking around with a renewed appreciation for the 'stuff.'   

Tuesday morning it was good to have a Zoom critique and see what everyone else had done. We are so different in our painting styles, but all grateful to be together and to share our stories.