Saturday, April 11, 2020

Hoppy Easter

In this difficult time of "Stay at Home" I think we are all getting creative in new ways. I don't normally blog this frequently, but after all, these are not normal times.

I am NOT a kitchen person, but I keep seeing stories of people spending more time in that room...

So, as we approach Easter, I began thinking about making our annual bunny cake. This has been a tradition in our family for many years...there have been lots of cakes! My children have also adopted the tradition and we have sent each other pictures of our creations.

Here are a couple from prior years...

 The box mix actually makes enough for two!

We have been sheltering in place for a few weeks now and do not need to eat cake... what should I do? I can't not make a bunny...but need to feed our souls!

Yesterday as I was forming a meat loaf... yes! Why not? I mixed up the ground beef and other ingredients and molded it into a bunny shape. Then I took the pink styrofoam meat tray (from the ground beef) and cut out some ears.  I added eyes and nose...Voila!

(please excuse background - hope you can get the idea)

These photos are before cooking - yes, I took the ears and M&Ms away before I put him in the oven.  Unfortunately, I do not have an 'after' photo. Just know that he was delicious!

Happy Easter, everyone!

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