Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Catching up... with yupo

 During this past year most of my posts have been about the sketches that I challenged myself to do on a daily basis for a 365 days. There were a few other things posted during that time, but I didn't write about most of the other 'stuff' that I was doing. 

As I look back through my photo file, I see that there are a lot of things that I worked on! It has felt like a lost year in so many ways, but I did a lot of experimenting in art.

A couple years ago I did some playful abstract experimenting. Last fall I started playing with it again. I re-discovered my yupo paper and decided to 'play.' 

I needed to get away from the tightness of the portraits I had been working on. It was time to just throw some paint.

One of the very helpful things for me in doing this artwork is to blog about it as I complete it. I can replay how the painting was made and go over the process. Unfortunately, these paintings were done last November and I did not blog about them...hard to remember just what I did!

As I recall... this painting just began with color on wet yupo paper. I dropped color here and there along the top. I wanted a runny effect so I sprayed a bit of water on it and held it by the upper right hand corner. I continued to spatter more paint on it as it ran.

I let it dry.  I tried looking at it in different directions and shapes.

I love that it looks like it has texture. I think the paint must have 'glopped' a little and the water ran around it to create that effect. It really is flat, but looks like the paint is peeling off the paper. 

I ended up turning it upside down and cropping it a little. I think it looks like a colorful rockslide or waterfall. 

More to come...

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