Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Second Look

 Life intervenes... It's been a long time since my last post. As a way of getting back into the rhythm of posting, I am sharing a 're-do.'

Several years ago, we decided that we needed to 'keep up with the Joneses.' Many of the houses in our neighborhood have name signs. So, we would name our house and I would make a sign.

When we were house hunting we looked at LOTS of houses! Our wonderful realtor (a friend) showed us so many properties. So many in fact, that at one time she broke down in tears and said "Just what are you looking for?"

We assured her that we were getting closer to making a decision and asked to see two of the places that we had seen before... we would make appointments for the following weekend and put in an offer. 

Our second look at the house we live in now convinced us that this is where we wanted to be. We had seen a lot of places since our first look and nothing compared to where we are now. 

Thus, the name of our house is Second Look. 

That was back in my woodworking days... I began to work on a sign. I carved out the letters...and then had the idea that I could a a light touch. The word LOOK actually has two eyes in it...little pupils in the O's. That sign hung for a number of years. Unfortunately, I do not have a photo of it.

A few years later and a lot of weather and it was time to repaint the sign. By this time I had begun my painting career so I added a few trees to the sign.

A month or so ago... several years later than when the above photo was taken, the sign was again in need of repair. Peeling varnish and paint required some major fixing.

I removed the sign and knew it needed some significant sanding! Fortunately, it was lovely weather and I decided to do my sanding outside. I plugged in my sander and went to work...hmmm, there was an ant peeking out of a tiny hole in the back of the sign... Before I knew it, he was joined by many friends and the sign was covered with ants! I got out a chisel and began to explore. 

I had forgotten that the last time I painted I had found several carpenter bee tunnels in the sign. I had cleaned them out and filled them... Now the tunnels were filled with ants!

Major repairs! More filler and sanding...

My quickie repaint job had turned into a project!

Since I was spending so munch time on this, I decided to at least have some fun with it and add more artwork. The carved letters are still there. I filled in the 'eyes' and added more trees and ground on the front. We live in a pine forest...

While I was add it...why not also paint the back??? I am NOT a landscape painter, but thought it would be fun to paint our water view. Besides, who is going to see the back of the sign anyway? It's our look down Broad Creek.

I love this and really enjoy seeing it on my way out the driveway!

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