Saturday, November 20, 2021

A few more pours...

 When I first got excited about pouring paint over glass, I poured over all sorts of things. I had unused vases on a closet shelf. Friends gave me several vases and jelly jars. I wanted to try different glass shapes and walked around a dollar store. I did some online shopping and found some miniature vases...

All this brings me to wonderful experimenting...trying different ways of pouring - layered paint out of a cup, drops of color here and there, swirling it around as I pour, adding drips in some places...manipulating the paint in addition to straight pouring. 

Here are a few more experiments...along with images of some of the vase/jar bottoms. 

I was in a Christmas mood for this bud vase. It was tricky because it's fluted and the paint only wants to run down the 'valleys.' I found that I have to coax the paint to cover the raised parts. 

Love this bottom! Almost want to just turn it upside down.

Here's another holiday color one.  I used a lot of silicone oil in the paint so it's full of 'cells' and really sparkles with a candle lit in it.

This one is that same shape - could be a candle holder or a candy dish. 
Take a look at its bottom!

A few more different shapes with their bottoms...

Now, to back up a bit...some people have asked how I do all this painting upside down. Part of the fun for me is figuring out how to make a jig that is stable enough for each vase . I have used different size  cups, spray paint cans and various size dowels fitted into pieces of wood. It always depends on the size and height of the vase. Take a look at some of these vases waiting for a coat of resin. I am loving all the drip patterns on the wooded blocks and will find something to do with them one day!

Yesterday, I went again to our local library and added more vases to the display cases. 

Stop by and take a look.  

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