I no linger feel compelled to create for this journal everyday... after all, the class was only 30 days. But, I am finding it helpful to continue to put my thoughts and feelings on paper. It occurred to me the other day that it's too bad I didn't use archival paper for this exercise. The old book that I chose to use is truly falling apart and the paper tears easily!
Thankfully, I do have photos of all these pages!
These pages come after the anniversary of George's death. Much of the focus is about how to move forward.
The "What's next?" question will continue to plague me for a long time. I can not be in a hurry - just need to sit with the question and be open to nudges.
These next two have similar themes. It takes a lot of courage to begin something new...and I do have this inertia problem. It's hard to move! I go back to the phrase in the 'Silence' caption - it's just so loud!
A friend, who has been a widow for several years, told me before the first anniversary that the second year was harder than the first. I wondered how that could possible be true! I am finding out... there is something about 'holding my 'breath' through all the 'firsts' and getting through year one that at least had some purpose. Now, in year two, I have to create my own new firsts - alone. It's a wide-open, direction-less future!
I recently looked through a lot of George's photographs and found some that would be good backgrounds for my pages. Each of the photos has a story - its own unique time and place. I love this story in the parchment type box. Telling stories does bring them back - just for a little while. I guess that's why I was looking through old photographs!
This next one popped up on Facebook one day. It certainly tells its own story. I am blessed with people who reach out to me...words are not always necessary!
This last one (today) is another photograph. As it says here, the photo is made with two different negatives, taken on different days. My task is to create my own photo (new life) putting together 'a combination of talents to discover a new image of me...'
George and I used to say, "We have all the time that there is!" The process of re-creating myself does (and will) take time.
Stay tuned - more to come.
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