Thursday, January 31, 2019

The un-ugly hat

Last fall my dermatologist discovered a suspicious, small lump on my forehead. A biopsy confirmed basal cell carcinoma and two surgeries later, I seem to be in good shape. However, it means I need to be sure to wear a hat when I am to be in the sun,

I have a much loved floppy hat that I have worn for years - however, it is so old and floppy that it's sometimes difficult to see out from under it. That won't do. There are lots of baseball type hats around our house...maybe one of them.

I rediscovered one that I had had for years (I have a photograph of a granddaughter wearing it when she was 2 - she is now 19).

I never really liked that hat. It was so plain white and had a very large bill. At this point, not liking it is not the issue. Wearing it is... Ugh!

So, I had this idea that I have nothing to lose...why not decorate the hat? I did some pencil sketches on the hat and then got out some permanent ink pens.

The only paints I had available at the time were watercolors, but what the heck...give it a try!

So far, so good...

Voila, the once ugly hat is now 'un-ugly.'  If anyone has any ideas about how to make the colors more permanent, I'd be happy to hear them!

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