Sunday, March 3, 2019


It's early March and it's cold and rainy. The forecast calls for a "mixed mess," (my term). I am wishing I had my lazy February back!

We are back from a very relaxing time in sunny Puerto Rico. In looking back at my blogs, I see that I haven't written anything for over a month. I really was in 'slug mode.'

I need a 'kick-start.' So, as a way of catching up, I am just going to post some random drawings from my sketchbook...with a few simple stories. 

1. "What washes up..."
This past year we have had many storms and high tides. We live on a cove of Broad Creek and have discovered lots of 'stuff' that washes up on our shorefront. One unusual thing recently was a piece of picket fencing. Actually, another piece just like the first one washed up as a result of a second storm a few weeks later. We have no idea who lost their fence. It's leaning against a tree in our yard!

2. "Charlie Boy"
My mother was born in 1906. I inherited her doll. Charlie Boy is dressed in his original clothing - a dress - looking suspiciously like a girl. A some point Charlie Boy's skull got cracked. I put a hat (that my mother had brought back from one of her trips) on him to cover the crack.

Charlie Boy sits in an antique rocker that belonged to my mother. I was told that she used to sit in it as a little girl.  There are things that we cherish - the stories handed from generation to generation.

3. "What's a Bable?" (It rhymes with table)
Last summer we had our dock replaced. It had been repaired several times over the years and it was now time for major work. The old dock had a bench that we used a lot when the grandchildren came and we went crabbing and fishing. That would need to be replaced also.

When we talked to the dock guys, they gave us a price to replace the bench. What they proposed was pricey and much more elaborate than we thought we needed. They would have scrap lumber left over. We would make our new bench from the leftovers.

Much measuring, sawing, hole drilling and screwing it together... voila, we had a new bench. Well, sort of. We discovered it was really tall - more like a table. Thus, we are calling it our "Bable."

4. "Candycorn Candle"
I friend gifted us with a bag of goodies for Halloween. Among the goodies was a candle in the shape of a candycorn. I loved these candies as a kid! It was fun watching the candle burn.

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