Thursday, January 31, 2019

The un-ugly hat

Last fall my dermatologist discovered a suspicious, small lump on my forehead. A biopsy confirmed basal cell carcinoma and two surgeries later, I seem to be in good shape. However, it means I need to be sure to wear a hat when I am to be in the sun,

I have a much loved floppy hat that I have worn for years - however, it is so old and floppy that it's sometimes difficult to see out from under it. That won't do. There are lots of baseball type hats around our house...maybe one of them.

I rediscovered one that I had had for years (I have a photograph of a granddaughter wearing it when she was 2 - she is now 19).

I never really liked that hat. It was so plain white and had a very large bill. At this point, not liking it is not the issue. Wearing it is... Ugh!

So, I had this idea that I have nothing to lose...why not decorate the hat? I did some pencil sketches on the hat and then got out some permanent ink pens.

The only paints I had available at the time were watercolors, but what the heck...give it a try!

So far, so good...

Voila, the once ugly hat is now 'un-ugly.'  If anyone has any ideas about how to make the colors more permanent, I'd be happy to hear them!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

It's almost banner time again...

Since 2010 the St Michaels Art League has sponsored an annual banner program. Members paint something relating to the theme "Celebrate St. Michaels" and the banners are hung along our main street from April - November. (For more on the history of this program see last years's January blog "Newest Member of SMAL.")

I have painted a playful crab almost every year - a friend named him "Mikey" since he is a St. Michaels crab. It's an annual challenge for me to decide what Mikey is up to each year. I began thinking about Mikey last summer as I watched our main street fill with tourists - all shopping in the quaint stores in our village. Thinking that many of the shoppers are women, I decided that Mikey needed a shopping friend.

This year I am introducing 'Michaela.'

Keeping with the theme of celebrating our town...I thought of all the events that are offered throughout the year: the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, Daffodil Festival, Wine Festival, ArtHunt with its ice cream treats, Fall into St Michaels and Christmas in St Michaels.

Michaela would have her hands full of shopping bags!

I did a quick sketch and played with different size bags.

This was the basic idea...a happy shopper.
Then I started to obsess about the bags...size, color, logo...

I just painted the hat on this one and then tried various bags...

OK, why even paint the hat? Just need to try bags... (although, I did have fun painting the ribbon) Several tries later...

Getting closer to what I want although that purple bag is pretty bad and that Halloween bag needs some work, too!

Now the thing is...I had painted this so many times (probably 8 or 9) that I am not sure if this next one is the final one! I had so many on my computer... and I have already turned over the final version to a friend so I don't even have it to see which one it was!

Is this the final answer? The original artwork will be on display at the library in St. Michaels for the month of April and the banners will be hung on the poles along Talbot Street by mid-April. Hope I'm not too surprised!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy Gnu Year!

WOW - it's 2019! A new calendar and also a time to reflect on the past year. I like to look back at my posts and review what I have done in the past 12 months -  do any of us really remember what we did without some sort of guide?

I see that there were several portraits - children and dogs. I love doing these pastels. Then there were also the sketches for the book which was published in November! It was exciting to hold the actual book in my hand after so many years working toward that day.

I did some experimenting with abstracts; watercolor and pouring acrylics. There were a few animal sketches and Christmas puns. I also began another 'rope' series using watercolor and ink.

I participated in several shows: the SMAL banner program, members' shows, Labor Day Show, SMAL library exhibits and  currently have several paintings hanging at the Blue Crab Coffee Company in St. Michaels. (note - they have great coffee and sandwiches there...)

 It's been a busy time and I have not had a chance to create anything new... so I am re-posting  something from a couple years ago. Of course, in keeping with my quirky nature, it's Gnu Year. Does anyone know what a gnu really looks like? Or, more correctly, what a 'happy gnu' looks like?

Here is an old sketch of the gnu.... I don't think his smile is quite the happy one that I wanted, but perhaps...he is a little anxious about what's ahead in this coming year!

Thanks for following my blog!