Saturday, June 27, 2015

More softer edges

Yes, more crinkled paper.

While I was experimenting with the 'flowers' from the last couple of posts, I was also working on another painting. I wanted to try something with a little different look. I began again with a very wet piece of crinkled paper. I dropped some reds and yellows  - mixed them a little to get the orange - and watched the pigment flow around the crinkles. I love to watch the way watercolors find their way around the paper.

It needed some darks. I knew I wanted to do something unlike me. (I find myself always going to primary colors)  So instead of red, yellow, blue. . . I dropped some purples into the mix. And, then I let the colors explore the paper. The paper is still wet - the edges are beautifully soft.

I put it aside to dry. Normally, when watercolor dries the colors become more muted. Surprisingly, these colors stayed fairly vibrant. But, it needed something to bring it together.

Maybe some lifting of color . . . I wet my brush with clear water and lifted some straight lines. Hmmm, a good start - then I added two arcs. Interesting.

11x14 matted watercolor - untitled  $75

Maybe that's all that it needs . . . I might just let it be for awhile.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Possibilities - Chapter Three!

My last post was part two of my 'crinkled paper phase' . . .I keep experimenting. After washing off my last effort, I let the paper dry for a couple days and then went back to it today.

I think what I liked about it after washing it off was the softer edges  - the bolder colors were great, but there was something about all the hard edges that I thought I would like, but didn't. Hmmm, more playing to be done.

I re-wet the paper and began floating some darks around what I had thought of as 'flowers.' The edges did soften. I then added more color to the spidery starbursts! This is what watercolor does best - wonderful color surprises.

I tried cropping it a little differently and stood back to give it a look.  Now I am seeing colorful jellyfish floating in dark water - or maybe just fuzzier flowers?

8x10 matted watercolor - "Emerging Flowers"   $40

Any thoughts?  What do you see? Is it ready for a signature and frame?

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Playing with possibilities - Chapter Two

Picking up from Chapter one (see previous post) . . . after I had looked at several possibilities of cropping the crinkled paper painting, I happened to turn the paper over!

WOW - on the reverse side were more possibilities. Since the paper is relatively thin, the paint from the front side had bled through and made some very interesting tracings of color. The color followed the creases in the paper and looked a little like bursts of pastel color.

Unfortunately, at this point I did not stop and take a photo of the reverse side of this painting. It would be fun to just see the starbursts.

As I stared at this new revelation, I saw flowers . . . Perhaps a little "negative painting" (painting around the 'thing' rather than painting the 'thing.') would bring them out.

Can you see the starbursts of color?

I think there are too many flowers here. I got a little carried away.

What if I crop this in different ways?

Better - less busy, but still not something I want to sign and frame. Maybe too bold? The voice in my head reminds me that "It's only paper" so I washed it off.

Not sure what to do next - going to let it sit for another day or two and then play with it some more.

I'm in my crushed paper phase. Stay tuned for Chapter Three . . .

Monday, June 15, 2015

Playing with possibilities - Chapter one

It's summer - the busyness of my life is slowing down a bit. Ahhh, time to play.

A year or so ago, a friend gave me several sheets of 90 pound watercolor paper. It is much lighter than what I usually paint on and I wasn't sure what to do with it. "Wet it," she said, "and crinkle it up. You'll be intrigued by the texture."

Hmmm, interesting idea. I decided to experiment. I soaked the paper and crushed it into a tight ball. Then I unfolded the ball and looked at a very messed up piece of paper!  Well, I had gone this far, why not give it a try. While the paper was still very wet and wrinkled I dropped color on it.

The color settled in the creases and also spread in other surprising directions. 

There may be possibilities for cropping and having some fascinating abstracts here. Try rotating this in different directions and/or using just sections . . .

Playing with possibilities! Having lots of fun.

And then I discovered something else . . .more possibilities for another day.  Tune in for the second chapter to this story . . .next post coming soon.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Congratulations, Grads!

Where has the time gone? I try to post twice a month and ...I am embarrassed to see that my last post was more than a month ago. Sometimes 'life' gets in the way.

Recently I was talking to a friend whose daughter is graduating from high school. It's a time of very mixed emotions - pride/happiness that her daughter has done so well, and anticipated sadness/emptiness that she will be leaving for college in the fall.

We had been sent an invitation to an open house celebration honoring her daughter. Unfortunately, we are unable to go, but I wanted to do something to recognize the occasion.

While we were talking, Marianne said something to me about my artwork and mentioned that she really liked my crabs. "I need one of your crabs."

So, here you are, Marianne.  Happy Graduation to Mom (and Felicia, too)