Monday, February 13, 2012

Other than palm trees - the Ceiba

Yes, there are palm trees everywhere, but there are also some other stunning trees.  We have been 'taken' with one here called a Ceiba - or Kapok tree.  It has an amazing root system that winds around the ground sometimes arching up several feet. It creates unusual patterns and begs you to stop and look at it. One of the Ceiba trees here is even lighted at night and has other lovely plantings around it - it just shouts "Look at what I have done!"

We have driven by two of these trees at different times of the day trying to see just the right time to photograph it. When is the sun at the perfect angle to capture the mystery?  I gave up with that and tried to capture at least some of the peculiar nature of one of them.

I need to work on the other one - it is even more dramatic.  At least my sketch reminds me of the 'nature' of this creation.

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