Monday, October 5, 2015


The process - part 2...the October exhibit at the St Michaels Library was hung last week. I need to get by there and see what the other artists did in describing their processes. Creative people = imaginative ways of doing this 'assignment.'

Today's post is about the pastel that I painted for this exhibit. I haven't done a portrait for awhile so I started looking through old photos. I came across a picture of one of my grandchildren hugging her dog.  She was about 2 at the time. (She's now 16 - don't know how that happened!)

Here's the pencil sketch on 500 grit sanded paper. (FYI - this really is just like sandpaper, but it's archival - not the stuff from my woodworking days)

I love the look of watercolor washes before I begin using my pastels. I try to add just enough color to describe the painting. It helps me find the darks and lights.

After it dried, I began with my soft pastels. Again, I was working on darks and lights and beginning to work on some expression in her face - because I couldn't wait. Normally, that would come later. but i was anxious to try.

I started experimenting with background color. In the photo, they were in the grass.

I finished up the background and kept doodling with her mouth - she has a funny little expression that is peculiar to small children. I think it has something to do with 'baby' cheeks...

The title of this painting is "BFFs" - it seems they were Best Friends Forever.

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