Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A grand(children) time...

I have just waved good-by to two of my granddaughters who have been visiting with us for a week. It's always a busy, fun time...fishing, crabbing (we caught enough to steam and eat!), swimming, kayaking, shopping, MANY games of Sorry, watching the Olympics, and of course - arts and crafts.

So today instead of my artwork, I am posting the masterpieces that they created.

One of them had seen this idea of TV so we decided to try it.

We began with a brand new box of 96 crayons which they discovered in my craft box. We needed two canvas boards which I found in my workshop.

They each chose an assortment of rainbow colors (who knew there were that many different reds, blues, etc in that box!). They lined their crayons up on the canvas and we used a hot glue gun to stick them on.

Now for the fun part. We set up sort of a 'painting station' outside because it was going to be messy. We used newspaper, wax paper (to catch the drips at the bottom) and a cardboard backdrop...and got out a hair dryer!

Each girl blew her crayons and watched them drip in amazing ways! Here is the process of Hildry's masterpiece.

The crayons are glued on - she is beginning with hair dryer. It doesn't take long...

Here is the first round of dripping - we let it cool off and dry and decided to do it some more!

It was such fun to watch the colors drain out of the crayon papers and mix with each other! 

The wax paper at the bottom caught all the drippings and made another wonderful pattern of color!

Here is Winnie's artwork. As you can see she glued hers on straight across. Some of her crayons were 'metallic' and they created interesting textures and sparkle!
Her first dripping looked like this. We were really interested in the white space, too.

Some of the white space remained and the other colors are so vivid! We discovered that you can really blow those colors around. 

Here's a close up of her puddle of color. It still looks wet and runny, but by this time it had hardened.

Some might say that we 'wasted' about 4 dozen crayons, BUT... we had such a good time. 

I'm thinking that art should be FUN! 

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